
Showing posts from September, 2019
Class today was easy. We finished the slide show of the longitude and latitude lines. The quiz is tomorrow but I really need to study. South America is full of countries unlike the U.S. We have states united to form a country. Since they're united states they technically have a right to leave and form its own country. That's a completely crazy idea to think about. Imagine the state of Rhode Island leaving the states. We would have a tiny nation right next to us and they could declare war. To me the idea of Rhode Island fighting is very funny. But the scary idea is Texas leaving us. Texas is a major powerhouse with a huge population. They could easily take over the states next to it. The only ones able to stand a chance against Texas would be California. I would pay to see that battle. I'm betting money Texas is going to win.
Situation is the location of a place and how you locate it. If someone from a different country asked you where Washington D.C is, you would need to tell them a close location that they may know. It's a landmark that would turn into their starting position on their journey. For example, you would tell them D.C is south of New York. New York is a major tourist attraction for America. If you mention New York most people will get a basic idea of where to go. It's all about the surrounding areas. If you can describe what's around the location, people will find their destination easier. The Harford mall is a common landmark in Bel Air. Anyone who lives in Bel Air will know where the mall is. If someone wants to get to the new Popeye's that is opening soon, you could say it's down the street from the Harford mall.
Today we talked about the effect humans had on the land and how they changed it. For example, Manhattan was a plain island. Not many buildings or skyscrapers reaching into the sky. There wasn't even that many people living on the island. But then they started to build homes and workspace. Now more people came to the island to find a new home or job. When people think of New York city they think about new opportunities. When the buildings were finished, many people came to the city, they started their own businesses.  Soon more and more people came, and the population grew. It could be compared to the gold rush in the west when everyone moved out to find fortune. The city is always working and always moving. Now the people of New York city are living life with hope of a better future. They wake up each morning to become a better person than they were yesterday.
Today we got our test back and reviewed it. I got a 91% on the test. The test was easy because all the answers were in my notes. I finished the multiple choice so fast, I thought my answers were going to be all wrong. The second half of the test was easy as well, although I did get two and a half questions wrong. The main problem was I couldn't think of works that relate to polis. It's too bad now I can think of several different words that come from polis, because I really needed those points. Also, I couldn’t get the bonus question. I knew it was a mountain up north, but I couldn't think of the name. The written responses I did well on. The class voted guilty: 5 and not guilty: 16. I voted not guilty. Socrates committed two very major crimes in that era, he was bound to be killed. If I openly sided with the losing team, there would be no doubt that I will surely die.

Mercator and Peters Map

The Mercator and Peters map are probably the most used maps in the world. Their in every school, offices and restaurant. People use them to see the world and it's many countries. Although the  maps have the same purpose, they are still different in some ways. The Mercator map is a standard world map. It shows all the Continents and the countries that reside on it.It labels the oceans and the rivers. The Peters world map may seem the same but it's a little different. The most recognizable difference is the size. On the Peters map the continents are stretched to make it look thinner. Due to it being thinner, it makes Africa look like it's right next to Europe. But in reality Africa is right under Europe. Personally I don't like the map, it makes the world a little confusing.
During class today we talked about maps and their specifics. Some maps were made to show one country, for example the United States map. On that map it includes the mountain ranges, rivers, cities, states, and capitols. Bigger maps will show all the countries of the world. It will also show their capitols and major cities. Most maps will show you the oceans and the longitude and latitude lines. the biggest map we saw today showed all the countries and their capitols. But this map was a little different. On this map the continents were stretched out to make them seem skinnier. This led to a discussion about whether you could see the bottom of the planet. It would take a long time to accomplish that, but it is possible. For it to happen you would need to fly billions of miles away from earth. The fly straight down for another billion miles. Once you're far enough down you should fly in a straight line back to earth. Then all you must do is fly up until you see the bottom of the ear...
I had to leave class early because I'm playing a football game today.
Today we learned a little bit more about Socrates and his life. Socrates worked as a stone mason from a young age. After that he became a soldier and fought in the Peloponnesian war. Working a tough job from a young age and then going to war and seeing your friends die can change your mind. After the war Socrates opened a workshop to train students. He used a method where he would question everything to determine someone's beliefs. During that time Socrates also questioned the Greek gods.  in ancient Greece everyone believed everything was made by their gods. Questioning the very existence of their gods was a sure way to get killed. While on trial for his life Socrates showed no fear or remorse and said he should be given free food for life. He even had a chance to escape but Socrates stood by his decisions and stayed in the cell. Socrates was sentenced to death by poison, he did not apologize for his actions and died leaving his teachings with the youth.
Agora:    a public open space used for assemblies and markets. Ancient Greeks had large markets that would be open every day. There would be clothes, food, weapons, and many more items on sale. There would also be great debates in the area for the people to hear. Polis :  a city state in ancient Greece, especially as considered in its ideal form for philosophical purposes. This was the home for  philosophy in Ancient Greek. All the great minds would gather there and discuss what they discovered. The importance of the year 508 BC to ancient Greeks: Democracy is introduced to in Athens by  Cleisthenes. This is the year when the Greeks began to use democracy. We would later take this for our own government. First time in human history when regular people rose up to defy their rulers and made a new government. Socrates:  Greek philosopher whose way of life, character, and thought exerted a profound influence on ancient and modern  ...
Today we learned a little more about "A message to Garcia" and its author Elbert Hubbard. The essay was written in 1899. It was reprinted as a pamphlet and a book. The essay sold over 40 million copies and translated into 37 languages. It was also made into a movie twice, once in 1916 and 1936. "Take a message to Garcia" became slang to act and is still used in the military. Garcia was the leader of the revolutionaries who were fighting for Cuban independence from Spain. Rowan was an army officer who was trained at west point and graduated in the class of 1881. President William McKinley was the 25th president for 1897-1901. He was assassinated six months into his second term by an anarchist. The tallest mountain in North America was named after him, until 2015 when President Obama renamed the mountain back to its original name- Denali.  "What is Initiative? I'll tell you: it is doing the right thing without being told." Elbert Hubbard
Today we talked about an essay called "A message to Garcia." The essay seemed to be a rant telling the American people about their problems, and an inspirational story at the same time. The first part of the story is the inspirational story of Rowan and his mission to find Garcia. At the time Spain and the U.S. were coming into conflict because they wanted control of Cuba. Spain wanted the land to expand its military force. While the U.S. wanted the land to protect its borders. During this intense time Cuban leader Garcia, was nowhere to be seen. He disappeared but the president at the time needed to speak with him. No one could find Garcia, so they sent in their most trusted man, Rowan. Rowan received his orders and instantly went to find Garcia. He spent three weeks in the dangerous jungle searching for Garcia, and he did find him. Rowan came back a hero as he was able to do the mission that no other man could. This heroic tale would influence the rant on the American peo...
Class today was very educational. I learned about the several hardships students go through in high school. I'm sure the main problem was sleep. I haven't met a single student who says they get enough sleep. Each day students have about an hour or maybe two hours of homework. Most students in the school are in after school activities. Having that much work to do extremely affects the body and mind. I personally don't get enough sleep. On an average day I get home around 7:00 pm after practice. By then the sun is going down but i still need to get started on my work. The way it's going for classes I'll be finishing my homework around 10:00 at night. That only leaves me with 8 hrs of sleep. I need more sleep than that, since I'm practicing everyday. The pressure of private school is also a major factor of stress for students. In public school teachers could randomly choose a day when the students have no work to do. But in private schools everyday is new work that...
My first day of school was good. I'm a new transfer student so I got to meet a lot of new people. The whole school is on a different level compared to Bel Air High school  The only bad thing is there's a lot of students in the school and my classes. The whole hallway is completely flooded in only a matter of seconds. It might take me all year to get to know people but i'm sure I'll get it done. My seat is fine but i personally like the back of the room.