Agora:  a public open space used for assemblies and markets. Ancient Greeks had large markets that would be open every day. There would be clothes, food, weapons, and many more items on sale. There would also be great debates in the area for the people to hear.

Polisa city state in ancient Greece, especially as considered in its ideal form for philosophical purposes. This was the home for philosophy in Ancient Greek. All the great minds would gather there and discuss what they discovered.

The importance of the year 508 BC to ancient Greeks: Democracy is introduced to in Athens by Cleisthenes. This is the year when the Greeks began to use democracy. We would later take this for our own government. First time in human history when regular people rose up to defy their rulers and made a new government.

Socrates: Greek philosopher whose way of life, character, and thought exerted a profound influence on ancient and modern philosophy. He created many of the ideas we live by today.

The Death of Socrates:  Socrates drank the hemlock mixture without hesitation. Numbness slowly crept into his body until it reached his heart. Shortly before his final breath, Socrates described his death as a release of the soul from the body.

The Socratic method: the Socratic Method is a tool and a good one at that used to engage a large group of students in a discussion, while using probing questions to get at the heart of the subject matter. Socrates created it to develop critical thinking skills in students and enable them to approach the law as intellectuals.

What the Ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot: You was self centered and didn't participate in the agora and the great things about Greek life.


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