The demographic transition is a process of change in a society's population from high crude birth and death rates and low rate of natural increase to a condition of low crude birth and death rates, low rate of natural increase, and higher total population. There are 5 stages.

Stage 1 (Low growth) has very high CBR, very high CDR and very low NIR. Most of human history was spent in stage 1 of the demographic transition, but today no country remains in stage 1. Every nation has moved on to at least stage 2 of the demographic transition, and, with that transition, has experienced profound changes in population. For Stage 1 humans relied on hunting and gathering food. If food was abundant then the population will increase. If food was scarce, then the population will decrease, duh.

Stage 2 (High Growth) has high CBR, rapidly declining CDR and very high NIR. Rapidly declining death rates and very high birth rates produce very high natural increase. Europe and North America entered stage 2 of the demographic transition after 1750, as a result of the industrial revolution, which involved major improvements in manufacturing goods and delivering them to market. Stage 2 of the demographic transition didn't happen in Africa, Asia or Latin America until 1950. The stage 2 transition for developing countries happened because of the medical revolution. Medical technology from North America and Europe went to developing countries. Improved medical technology eliminated causes of deaths and allowed people to live longer. Example is Gambia, who was being ruled by Britain, and was a 1st stage country. The world Health Organization started giving vaccines to the children in Gambia. After that the CDR rapidly declined and the CBR remained high, allowing the country to enter stage 2.

Stage 3 (Moderate Growth) has rapidly declining CBR, moderately declining CDR, and moderate NIR. A country moves from Stage 2 to Stage 3 when the CBR begins to drop. The CDR continues to fall in stage 3 but at a much slower rate than stage 2. The population continues to grow because the CBR is still greater than the CDR. A society enters stage 3 when the people begin to have fewer children. People in stage 3 are more likely to live in cities than the countryside, it's not wise to have a lot of children in the city. Colonial Mexico.

Stage 4 (Low Growth) has very low CBR, low or slightly increasing CDR, and zero or negative NIR. A country reaches stage 4 when the CBR declines to the point where it equals the CDR and the NIR approaches zero. This is called zero population growth (ZPG). ZPG may occur when  the CBR is still slightly higher than the CDR because some females die before reaching childbearing years, and the number of females in their childbearing years can vary. A TFR of approximately 2.1 produces ZPG. Women in stage 4 societies enter the workforce instead of staying home doing house work. The total population of the country is much higher in stage 4 than in stage 1.  At the beginning of the demographic transition, the CBRs and CDRs are high (35 to 40 per 1,000), Whereas at the end of the process, the rates are very low (approximately 10 per 1,000). The four stage demographic transition is characterized by two bug breaks with the past. The first break is the sudden drop in the death rate that comes from technological innovations, has been accomplished everywhere. The second break is the sudden drop in the birth rate that comes from changing social customs, this has not been accomplished in many countries yet.


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