Today we talked more about population and Hans Rosling. He teaches global health. He used animating in real space to show populations in countries and their GDP per capita. In 1810 countries had a life expectancy of 40 years old. They made less than $4,000 per year. The life expectancy was so low because at the time there was a high infant mortality rate and maternal morality rate. The UK had a life expectancy above 40. They had a higher life expectancy because they were the first country in the world to learn how to mass produce goods. This was because of the industrial revolution. By 1917 most countries had their own industrial revolution and began to grow in life expectancy and GDP per capita. Smaller developing countries in Africa still have not experience their own industrial revolution. Because of this they were pretty low on life expectancy and GDP per capita. WWII and the Spanish flu had a major effect on the life expectancy on the world during 1917. Many men were drafted into the war. 8/10 men were guaranteed to die if  they were drafted to the front lines. This greatly decreased the life expectancy. The Spanish flu had killed a lot of kids as it was spreading around. Back then we didn't have all the precious medicine we have today to fight the flu.


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